This uses uses implicit fortran conventions
gen_registration(pkg_name, fun_list, callEntries = NULL)
the package name as character
the list of fortran function prototypes, see example
a character vector defining code that will be included verbatim that will define the C array CallEntries[]
, default NULL
lines that can be written into an init file for the package
## Most common use
fns <- c("subroutine pclasso(no,ni,x,y,w,theta,ng,mg,aa,ne,nx,nlam,ulam,thr,maxit,verbose,ao,ia,kin,nlp,jerr)", "subroutine logpclasso(no,ni,x,y,w,theta,ng,mg,aa,ne,nx,nlam,ulam,thr,maxit,verbose,a0,ao,ia,kin,nlp,jerr)")
# Generate lines that can be written into pcLasso/src/pcLasso_init.c for example
gen_registration("pcLasso", fns)
#> Generating Init function for package pcLasso
#> [1] "// Automatically generated by SUtools, editing not advised."
#> [2] "#ifndef R_PCLASSO_H"
#> [3] "#define R_PCLASSO_H"
#> [4] "#include <R.h>"
#> [5] "#include <Rinternals.h>"
#> [6] "#include <R_ext/Rdynload.h>"
#> [7] "#ifdef ENABLE_NLS"
#> [8] "#include <libintl.h>"
#> [9] "#define _(String) dgettext (\"pcLasso\", String)"
#> [10] "#else"
#> [11] "#define _(String) (String)"
#> [12] "#endif"
#> [13] ""
#> [14] ""
#> [15] "#define FDEF(name) {#name, (DL_FUNC) &F77_SUB(name), sizeof(name ## _t)/sizeof(name ## _t[0]), name ##_t}"
#> [16] "void F77_SUB(pclasso)("
#> [17] "int *no,"
#> [18] "int *ni,"
#> [19] "double *x,"
#> [20] "double *y,"
#> [21] "double *w,"
#> [22] "double *theta,"
#> [23] "int *ng,"
#> [24] "int *mg,"
#> [25] "double *aa,"
#> [26] "int *ne,"
#> [27] "int *nx,"
#> [28] "int *nlam,"
#> [29] "double *ulam,"
#> [30] "double *thr,"
#> [31] "int *maxit,"
#> [32] "double *verbose,"
#> [33] "double *ao,"
#> [34] "int *ia,"
#> [35] "int *kin,"
#> [36] "int *nlp,"
#> [37] "int *jerr"
#> [38] ");"
#> [39] " "
#> [40] "static R_NativePrimitiveArgType pclasso_t[] = {"
#> [41] "INTSXP,"
#> [42] "INTSXP,"
#> [43] "REALSXP,"
#> [44] "REALSXP,"
#> [45] "REALSXP,"
#> [46] "REALSXP,"
#> [47] "INTSXP,"
#> [48] "INTSXP,"
#> [49] "REALSXP,"
#> [50] "INTSXP,"
#> [51] "INTSXP,"
#> [52] "INTSXP,"
#> [53] "REALSXP,"
#> [54] "REALSXP,"
#> [55] "INTSXP,"
#> [56] "REALSXP,"
#> [57] "REALSXP,"
#> [58] "INTSXP,"
#> [59] "INTSXP,"
#> [60] "INTSXP,"
#> [61] "INTSXP"
#> [62] "};"
#> [63] "void F77_SUB(logpclasso)("
#> [64] "int *no,"
#> [65] "int *ni,"
#> [66] "double *x,"
#> [67] "double *y,"
#> [68] "double *w,"
#> [69] "double *theta,"
#> [70] "int *ng,"
#> [71] "int *mg,"
#> [72] "double *aa,"
#> [73] "int *ne,"
#> [74] "int *nx,"
#> [75] "int *nlam,"
#> [76] "double *ulam,"
#> [77] "double *thr,"
#> [78] "int *maxit,"
#> [79] "double *verbose,"
#> [80] "double *a0,"
#> [81] "double *ao,"
#> [82] "int *ia,"
#> [83] "int *kin,"
#> [84] "int *nlp,"
#> [85] "int *jerr"
#> [86] ");"
#> [87] " "
#> [88] "static R_NativePrimitiveArgType logpclasso_t[] = {"
#> [89] "INTSXP,"
#> [90] "INTSXP,"
#> [91] "REALSXP,"
#> [92] "REALSXP,"
#> [93] "REALSXP,"
#> [94] "REALSXP,"
#> [95] "INTSXP,"
#> [96] "INTSXP,"
#> [97] "REALSXP,"
#> [98] "INTSXP,"
#> [99] "INTSXP,"
#> [100] "INTSXP,"
#> [101] "REALSXP,"
#> [102] "REALSXP,"
#> [103] "INTSXP,"
#> [104] "REALSXP,"
#> [105] "REALSXP,"
#> [106] "REALSXP,"
#> [107] "INTSXP,"
#> [108] "INTSXP,"
#> [109] "INTSXP,"
#> [110] "INTSXP"
#> [111] "};"
#> [112] ""
#> [113] "static R_FortranMethodDef fMethods[] = {"
#> [114] "FDEF(pclasso) ,"
#> [115] "FDEF(logpclasso) ,"
#> [116] "{NULL, NULL, 0}"
#> [117] "};"
#> [118] ""
#> [119] "void R_init_pcLasso(DllInfo *dll){"
#> [120] " R_registerRoutines(dll, NULL, NULL, fMethods, NULL);"
#> [121] " R_useDynamicSymbols(dll, FALSE);"
#> [122] "}"
#> [123] "#endif"
## Example using callEntries
callEntries <- c(
'extern SEXP store_rfun(SEXP rfun);',
'static const R_CallMethodDef CallEntries[] = {',
'{"store_rfun", (DL_FUNC) &store_rfun, 1}',
'{NULL, NULL, 0}',
gen_registration("pcLasso", fns, callEntries = callEntries)
#> Generating Init function for package pcLasso
#> [1] "// Automatically generated by SUtools, editing not advised."
#> [2] "#ifndef R_PCLASSO_H"
#> [3] "#define R_PCLASSO_H"
#> [4] "#include <R.h>"
#> [5] "#include <Rinternals.h>"
#> [6] "#include <R_ext/Rdynload.h>"
#> [7] "#ifdef ENABLE_NLS"
#> [8] "#include <libintl.h>"
#> [9] "#define _(String) dgettext (\"pcLasso\", String)"
#> [10] "#else"
#> [11] "#define _(String) (String)"
#> [12] "#endif"
#> [13] ""
#> [14] "extern SEXP store_rfun(SEXP rfun);"
#> [15] "static const R_CallMethodDef CallEntries[] = {"
#> [16] "{\"store_rfun\", (DL_FUNC) &store_rfun, 1}"
#> [17] "{NULL, NULL, 0}"
#> [18] "};"
#> [19] ""
#> [20] "#define FDEF(name) {#name, (DL_FUNC) &F77_SUB(name), sizeof(name ## _t)/sizeof(name ## _t[0]), name ##_t}"
#> [21] "void F77_SUB(pclasso)("
#> [22] "int *no,"
#> [23] "int *ni,"
#> [24] "double *x,"
#> [25] "double *y,"
#> [26] "double *w,"
#> [27] "double *theta,"
#> [28] "int *ng,"
#> [29] "int *mg,"
#> [30] "double *aa,"
#> [31] "int *ne,"
#> [32] "int *nx,"
#> [33] "int *nlam,"
#> [34] "double *ulam,"
#> [35] "double *thr,"
#> [36] "int *maxit,"
#> [37] "double *verbose,"
#> [38] "double *ao,"
#> [39] "int *ia,"
#> [40] "int *kin,"
#> [41] "int *nlp,"
#> [42] "int *jerr"
#> [43] ");"
#> [44] " "
#> [45] "static R_NativePrimitiveArgType pclasso_t[] = {"
#> [46] "INTSXP,"
#> [47] "INTSXP,"
#> [48] "REALSXP,"
#> [49] "REALSXP,"
#> [50] "REALSXP,"
#> [51] "REALSXP,"
#> [52] "INTSXP,"
#> [53] "INTSXP,"
#> [54] "REALSXP,"
#> [55] "INTSXP,"
#> [56] "INTSXP,"
#> [57] "INTSXP,"
#> [58] "REALSXP,"
#> [59] "REALSXP,"
#> [60] "INTSXP,"
#> [61] "REALSXP,"
#> [62] "REALSXP,"
#> [63] "INTSXP,"
#> [64] "INTSXP,"
#> [65] "INTSXP,"
#> [66] "INTSXP"
#> [67] "};"
#> [68] "void F77_SUB(logpclasso)("
#> [69] "int *no,"
#> [70] "int *ni,"
#> [71] "double *x,"
#> [72] "double *y,"
#> [73] "double *w,"
#> [74] "double *theta,"
#> [75] "int *ng,"
#> [76] "int *mg,"
#> [77] "double *aa,"
#> [78] "int *ne,"
#> [79] "int *nx,"
#> [80] "int *nlam,"
#> [81] "double *ulam,"
#> [82] "double *thr,"
#> [83] "int *maxit,"
#> [84] "double *verbose,"
#> [85] "double *a0,"
#> [86] "double *ao,"
#> [87] "int *ia,"
#> [88] "int *kin,"
#> [89] "int *nlp,"
#> [90] "int *jerr"
#> [91] ");"
#> [92] " "
#> [93] "static R_NativePrimitiveArgType logpclasso_t[] = {"
#> [94] "INTSXP,"
#> [95] "INTSXP,"
#> [96] "REALSXP,"
#> [97] "REALSXP,"
#> [98] "REALSXP,"
#> [99] "REALSXP,"
#> [100] "INTSXP,"
#> [101] "INTSXP,"
#> [102] "REALSXP,"
#> [103] "INTSXP,"
#> [104] "INTSXP,"
#> [105] "INTSXP,"
#> [106] "REALSXP,"
#> [107] "REALSXP,"
#> [108] "INTSXP,"
#> [109] "REALSXP,"
#> [110] "REALSXP,"
#> [111] "REALSXP,"
#> [112] "INTSXP,"
#> [113] "INTSXP,"
#> [114] "INTSXP,"
#> [115] "INTSXP"
#> [116] "};"
#> [117] ""
#> [118] "static R_FortranMethodDef fMethods[] = {"
#> [119] "FDEF(pclasso) ,"
#> [120] "FDEF(logpclasso) ,"
#> [121] "{NULL, NULL, 0}"
#> [122] "};"
#> [123] ""
#> [124] "void R_init_pcLasso(DllInfo *dll){"
#> [125] " R_registerRoutines(dll, NULL, callEntries, fMethods, NULL);"
#> [126] " R_useDynamicSymbols(dll, FALSE);"
#> [127] "}"
#> [128] "#endif"