This routine computes nonparametric confidence intervals for bootstrap estimates. For reproducibility, save or set the random number state before calling this routine.

bcajack(x, B, func, ..., m = nrow(x), mr = 5, K = 2, J = 10,
  alpha = c(0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.16), verbose = TRUE)



an \(n \times p\) data matrix, rows are observed \(p\)-vectors, assumed to be independently sampled from target population. If \(p\) is 1 then x can be a vector.


number of bootstrap replications. It can also be a vector of B bootstrap replications of the estimated parameter of interest, computed separately.


function \(\hat{\theta}=func(x)\) computing estimate of the parameter of interest; \(func(x)\) should return a real value for any \(n^\prime \times p\) matrix \(x^\prime\), \(n^\prime\) not necessarily equal to \(n\)


additional arguments for func.


an integer less than or equal to \(n\); the routine collects the \(n\) rows of x into m groups to speed up the jackknife calculations for estimating the acceleration value \(a\); typically m is 20 or 40 and does not have to exactly divide \(n\). However, warnings will be shown.


if \(m < n\) then mr repetions of the randomly grouped jackknife calculations are averaged.


a non-negative integer. If K > 0, bcajack also returns estimates of internal standard error, that is, of the variability due to stopping at B bootstrap replications rather than going on to infinity. These are obtained from a second type of jackknifing, taking an average of K separate jackknife estimates, each randomly splitting the B bootstrap replications into J groups.


the number of groups into which the bootstrap replications are split


percentiles desired for the bca confidence limits. One only needs to provide alpha values below 0.5; the upper limits are automatically computed


logical for verbose progress messages


a named list of several items

  • lims : first column shows the estimated bca confidence limits at the requested alpha percentiles. These can be compared with the standard limits \(\hat{\theta} + \hat{\sigma}z_{\alpha}\), third column. The second column jacksd gives the internal standard errors for the bca limits, quite small in the example. Column 4, pct, gives the percentiles of the ordered B bootstrap replications corresponding to the bca limits, eg the 897th largest replication equalling the .975 bca limit .557.

  • stats : top line of stats shows 5 estimates: theta is \(f(x)\), original point estimate of the parameter of interest; sdboot is its bootstrap estimate of standard error; z0 is the bca bias correction value, in this case quite negative; a is the acceleration, a component of the bca limits (nearly zero here); sdjack is the jackknife estimate of standard error for theta. Bottom line gives the internal standard errors for the five quantities above. This is substantial for z0 above.

  • B.mean : bootstrap sample size B, and the mean of the B bootstrap replications \(\hat{\theta^*}\)

  • ustats : The bias-corrected estimator 2 * t0 - mean(tt), and an estimate sdu of its sampling error

  • seed : The random number state for reproducibility


Bootstrap confidence intervals depend on three elements:

  • the cdf of the \(B\) bootstrap replications \(t_i^*\), \(i=1\ldots B\)

  • the bias-correction number \(z_0=\Phi(\sum_i^B I(t_i^* < t_0) / B )\) where \(t_0=f(x)\) is the original estimate

  • the acceleration number \(a\) that measures the rate of change in \(\sigma_{t_0}\) as \(x\), the data changes.

The first two of these depend only on the bootstrap distribution, and not how it is generated: parametrically or non-parametrically. Program bcajack can be used in a hybrid fashion in which the vector tt of B bootstrap replications is first generated from a parametric model.

So, in the diabetes example below, we might first draw bootstrap samples \(y^* \sim N(X\hat{\beta}, \hat{\sigma}^2 I)\) where \(\hat{\beta}\) and \(\hat{\sigma}\) were obtained from lm(y~X); each \(y^*\) would then provide a bootstrap replication tstar = rfun(cbind(X, ystar)). Then we could get bca intervals from bcajack(Xy, tt, rfun ....) with tt, the vector of B tstar values. The only difference from a full parametric bca analysis would lie in the nonparametric estimation of \(a\), often a negligible error.


DiCiccio T and Efron B (1996). Bootstrap confidence intervals. Statistical Science 11, 189-228

Efron B (1987). Better bootstrap confidence intervals. JASA 82 171-200

B. Efron and B. Narasimhan. Automatic Construction of Bootstrap Confidence Intervals, 2018.


data(diabetes, package = "bcaboot") Xy <- cbind(diabetes$x, diabetes$y) rfun <- function(Xy) { y <- Xy[, 11] X <- Xy[, 1:10] summary(lm(y~X) )$adj.r.squared } set.seed(1234) ## n = 442 = 34 * 13 bcajack(x = Xy, B = 1000, func = rfun, m = 34, verbose = FALSE)
#> $call #> bcajack(x = Xy, B = 1000, func = rfun, m = 34, verbose = FALSE) #> #> $lims #> bca jacksd std pct #> 0.025 0.4397641 0.002865222 0.4436815 0.007 #> 0.05 0.4473747 0.003481831 0.4537907 0.016 #> 0.1 0.4577052 0.002144860 0.4654461 0.038 #> 0.16 0.4665482 0.002518510 0.4746565 0.068 #> 0.5 0.4983510 0.001417285 0.5065603 0.311 #> 0.84 0.5305117 0.003404510 0.5384641 0.692 #> 0.9 0.5412166 0.001847288 0.5476746 0.785 #> 0.95 0.5501776 0.002575333 0.5593299 0.875 #> 0.975 0.5624409 0.002941915 0.5694391 0.929 #> #> $stats #> theta sdboot z0 a sdjack #> est 0.5065603 0.0320816221 -0.24558952 0.0004269264 0.0210771 #> jsd 0.0000000 0.0005108335 0.04423824 0.0000000000 0.0000000 #> #> $B.mean #> [1] 1000.0000000 0.5144936 #> #> $ustats #> ustat sdu #> 0.49862706 0.03984912 #> #> attr(,"class") #> [1] "bcaboot"