
This is a brief introduction to how the pip package and SBCpip packages work together.

Why two packages?

The pip package is meant to be site-independent. In other words, all it does is the training and prediction. In its current implementation, it tries very hard to be faithful the original Guan et al. (2017) publication.

The SBCpip is the Stanford Blood Center (SBC) site-specific package. The main job of SBCpip is to provide functionality tailor-made for the workflow in use at SBC. This task may sometimes be quite involved and prone to change.

The separation makes it possible for sites to modify both packages to make use of many other features besides those used in the reference.

Note Some of the steps described here are SBC-specific and so don’t be surprised if you don’t have access to the data referred to.


To get things started, one has to begin with some historical data on the CBC, census and transfusion to get the prediction pipeline going.

The folder Blood_Center for example contains data for the period April 1, 2017 through April 9, 2018. Note that the file created on April 9, for example, has data from the previous date.

Such data can be used to build up a seed database to start the prediction pipeline.

Generating the Seed Data

The seed database is generated exactly once. To build the seed database, follow the procedure below.

options(warn = 1) ## Report warnings as they appear

The config object is a rather large object that contains all configuration information. It is documented with the package. Specifically, one can specify data folders, report folders and output folders, as the example below shows.

## Specify the data location
config <- set_config_param(param = "data_folder",
                           value = "full_path_to_historical_data")

## Specify output folder; existing output files will be overwritten
set_config_param(param = "output_folder",
                 value = "full_path_to_output_folder")

## Specify report folder; existing output files will be overwritten
set_config_param(param = "report_folder",
                 value = "full_path_to_report_folder")

## Specify log folder; existing log files will be overwritten
## Also get a handle on the invisibly returned updated configuration
config <- set_config_param(param = "log_folder",
                           value = "full_path_to_log_folder")

One can then process all files in the data folder as follows and save the seed data. Note that the files in the data folder are presumed to follow a naming pattern: - LAB-BB-CSRP-CBC* for CBC files - LAB-BB-CSRP-Census* for Census files - LAB-BB-CSRP-Transfused* for transfusion files.

The process__all_... functions below accept a pattern argument if you want to change them.

## This is for creating the seed dataset
cbc <- process_all_cbc_files(data_folder = config$data_folder,
                             cbc_abnormals = config$cbc_abnormals,
                             cbc_vars = config$cbc_vars,
                             verbose = config$verbose)

census <- process_all_census_files(data_folder = config$data_folder,
                                   locations = config$census_locations,
                                   verbose = config$verbose)

transfusion <- process_all_transfusion_files(data_folder = config$data_folder,
                                             verbose = config$verbose)

## Save the SEED dataset so that we can begin the process of building the model.
## This gets us to date 2018-04-09-08-01-54.txt, so we save data using that date
saveRDS(list(cbc = cbc, census = census, transfusion = transfusion),
        file = file.path(config$output_folder,
                         sprintf(config$output_filename_prefix, "2018-04-09")))

At this point an RDS file is created that is sufficient to get started.

Processing Incremental Files

Incremental files are also expected to follow a certain naming pattern. Default patterns are specified in the config variable.

  • config$cbc_filename_prefix for cbc
  • config$census_filename_prefix for census
  • config$transfusion_filename_prefix for transfusion
  • config$inventory_file_name_prefix for inventory (not used currently)

One merely sets the data folder to point to the full path of the incremental files which is typically populated every day and proceed as below.

## Now process the incremental files
## Point to folder containing incrementals
config <- set_data_folder("full_path_to_incremental_data")
## One may or may not choose to set the incremental reports to go
## to another location as shown below.
config <- set_report_folder("full_path_to_incremental_data_reports")
## Same for output although not shown.

By specifying, the starting and ending dates, one can process all files in one swoop.
start_date <- as.Date("2018-04-10")
end_date <- as.Date("2018-05-29")
all_dates <- seq.Date(from = start_date, to = end_date, by = 1)

prediction <- NULL

for (i in seq_along(all_dates)) {
    date_str <- as.character(all_dates[i])
    result <- predict_for_date(config = config, date = date_str)
    prediction <- c(prediction, result$t_pred)

The above loop goes through several steps.

  1. It loads previous day’s data
  2. It processes the incremental data and appends it to existing data
  3. It determines if the model needs to be updated. A parameter config$model_update_frequency (default 7) decides how often the model is retrained. The code can detect if the model is to be constructed for the first time!
  4. If the model is retrained, the training dataset is constructed, scaled, and scaling parameters stored for use in the future. Otherwise, the existing scaling parameters are used to construct the data set for prediction
  5. The prediction is made and results stored for the next day. The current prediction is the three-day sum.

Daily Routine

Thus, for daily routine, all that needs to be done is to call the function

result <- predict_for_date(config = config)

This automatically assumes the date to be the current date. It can be specified if necessary using the date argument thus.

result <- predict_for_date(config = config, date = "2018-04-30")

Note that this default daily routine makes the assumption that - the data for day i is available early on day i + 1 - the prediction is done on day i+1 for the purpose of ordering units, i.e. there is sufficient time to be able to do this as regards the logistics - the prediction is really for day i, rather than day i + 1.

Not paying attention to this can lead to off-by-one migranes!

Shiny Dashboard

A shiny dashboard is available for those more used to point-and-click interfaces, invoked via SBCpip::sbc_dashboard().


Guan, Leying, Xiaoying Tian, Saurabh Gombar, Allison J. Zemek, Gomathi Krishnan, Robert Scott, Balasubramanian Narasimhan, Robert J. Tibshirani, and Tho D. Pham. 2017. “Big Data Modeling to Predict Platelet Usage and Minimize Wastage in a Tertiary Care System.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (43). National Academy of Sciences: 11368–73. doi:10.1073/pnas.1714097114.